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February 19, 2010

CARDS FOR KIDS - Round 2 Details!

Hello, everyone!

It is time to announce the details of our next Cards for Kids round...

CFK logosb

All of the children are the same as the first round, but we have added two more (so far).  The next shipping deadline is March 31 and we have new prizes! 


I wanted to share quickly about our two new children...

This is sweet Karli...


Karli started complaining about her shoulder hurting, which led to the discovery of a mass. On December 15th, 2009 a biopsy confirmed Osteosarcoma - cancer in her upper arm bone.  She has since started chemo and will have surgery.

The family includes:
  • Karli, age 10.
  • Brother Jack, age 4
  • Brother Brodey, age 16 months
  • Mom Randi.
  • Dad Matt.
  • Stepdad Doug.

You can keep up to date on Karli HERE.

Next, this is adorable Aria...


Aria is three-and-a-half years old, and comes from Manurewa, Auckland, New Zealand. Aria received her gift of life on the 6th of February, a small bowel, kidney, liver and pancreas transplant at the Nebraska Medical Center, in Omaha, USA.

Soon after birth she was diagnosed with a very rare condition of the bowel known as total intestinal aganglionosis or total Hirschsprung’s disease. There is no cure and it means she will never be able to digest food.  Total intestinal aganglionosis is where there are no nerves cell throughout the entire bowel to squeeze the food along to be digested. Hirschsprungs is common where a portion of the bowel contains no nerves and can be fixed by removing the effected portion of bowel and reconnecting the healthy remaining bowel. Aria’s form of the disease means this is not an option because there is no healthy bowel.

Aria’s only hope of long term survival and a chance to eat rests in small bowel, liver, pancreas and kidney transplant. These organs have come from a single child donor whose family made a brave and difficult decision to donate life at a desperately terrible time. This operation is not done in NZ or Australia but the best place is America with the cost of $1-$2 million US dollars. It is still a risky operation but the odds of survival are getting better as advances in medical knowledge continue.

Aria's favorite color is purple. She loves Winnie the Pooh, Barney, Dora, and the Wiggles. Actually her little brother Asher likes the Wiggles and Aria tells us she likes the Wiggles for Ashie! She loves numbers and counting. She loves books, and reading is her favorite thing to do. Cooking and puzzles and painting are fun activities for Aria too.

The family includes:

  • Aria, Age 3 1/2.
  • Brother - Asher, age 2.
  • Mom - Anita.
  • Dad - Hamish.

Aria is a lovely, courageous little girl who handles the trials in her life amazingly well. Her life is a precious gift from God who is taking the MacDonald family on a journey according to His great purposes.

To learn more about Aria, visit her blog HERE.

I know it is a lot to ask you all to send in more cards.  I know it takes a lot of time, which is something we all are short on.  But it really seems that these cards have been magical for these children.  And, it turns out that the siblings love them, too.  Your cards are making a HUGE difference.  Thank you!

Thanks for listening. :)  Oh, and please spread the word as much as you can.  In fact, if you mention the drive on your blog or twitter, please link to it in your comment here.  I will pick a random person and send you some stamps.


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Do you know how old Karli is? I looked on her website and didn't find her age there, either...She looks maybe about 10 or so...

I have 25 cards coming that my 2nd graders class made at VAlentine's Day. It was a wonderful way for the kids to show love to other kids. Thanks for organizing this. I have posted on this on my blog at

I'm going to try and make some cards for them in the next few weeks!
Retweeted this @raincars

I just invited 4 friends to a "Cards For Kids" party at my house. All the cards we make will be for these kids and their families. I'm so excited to see what we come up with - lots of talented ladies coming together to spread some smiles - can't wait!! I don't have a blog, so the party will have to do... Thanks for continuing this and adding more kids - it's truly awesome.

I just posted on my blog, and will mention to some of the ladies I teach card classes to. I know they have lots of cards left-over from classes. :)

Thank you for organizing this. This is a wonderful thing you do, and thank you for allowing us to use our craft to help families who need the encouragment. I will be posting this on my blog, twitter, google buzz and facebook. Thank you again!

Makes me want to cry! Please tell me when cards need to be in and where to send them. I am new to this! Thank you!

Thanks for this labor of love and for providing us with an opportunity to be a part of such a great ministry! Enjoy your weekend : )

Hi Jennifer, Looking into these little girls eyes and the big smile on their faces is very moving. Such heartache for their families and such a rainbow you are creating for them in the midst of winter. Thanks for all your hard work and efforts for the Kids Card Drive. I will most certainly link you tomorrow but, no need to add me to the list for stamps..Hero has been so gererous to me.

Oh jennifer, there have been several times that I had the fleeting thought of posting a Cards for kids post on my blog, but I just hadn't.
Thanks for the kick in the pants today to post it!
My boys and I have been very blessed making cards and hopefully through outreach, we can get even more cards!

is Aria still living in the US?

MY daughters and i will make some cards soon! and i tweeted just now
New Cards for Kids card drive info up. Please pass it on!
about 2 hours ago from web
Retweeted by you and 9 others

Hi Jennifer!
My dd and i are still making cards... here is my post.

Of course... Thank you so much Jennifer. I've said it before and I'll say it again. You are an angel on earth!

I posted it today, but can't get the link to paste! So typed it out.. Hope it works!!!

Jennifer, this is such a great thing you do. I do have the links in my sidebar and mention it occasionally in my blog posts. I have been following some of these kids and it just tugs at my heart strings to know what these families are going through, I've been there and I know how tough it can be.

Hi Jennifer,
Thank you for your continued work on this drive! I am so happy to be able to participate! I link to here every so often, the last time being yesterday, in fact. Here is where you can find that one:

that is a great idea!

I posted a note over on my blog about cards for kids. I sent in a few cards last round and will try to do it again. stamping sue

will start on my cards soon!
i twitted

Cute kids. I'll definitely send more cards. Hugs.

Well you made me do something I had been meaning to do for a while... I finally got round to strting my own blog just so I could mention your drive. Although I don't think anyone will actually see it...

I twitted but am not sure how to link it... Is @AgataDag enough?

OK, I found it! ;-) Here it is:
Thanks for organizing this Jennifer! You've got such a great and generous heart! Bless you!

I twittered @ new to card making... will try to make cards for these cute kids...


Bless you for caring for these very
young souls. I will in this round also.

Sandi N.

Hi Jennifer

I have mentioned in my blogpost:

this evening your wonderful drive, Cards for Kids. I think that you are right, the word does need to be spread around the world and to let people know what a wonderful thing that you and so many others are doing. Keep up the great work!

I have now link to the kids list.
Your work is just wonderful, and to help those kids is such a good thing. I hope to get some cards soon for some of them.

Thank you.

Glad to see more kids will be benefiting from the card drive. :) I re-tweeted your twitter post and will mention it on flickr too if it hasn't been done so yet. So wonderful of you to organize this all!

Mentioned on my blog, hope to have some more cards heading over shortly :)

Oh wow, that is close to home! Manurewa is just on the other side of the city! What a sweet wee girl. I know I always say I am going to make cards, but I am really going to try and do it this time, and try and get my boys to do it too. How amazing of you Jen to find this sweet kiwi girl to do this for!!


Thank you for this. Thanks for the reminder of how important this is. It really doesn't take that much of my time, but what a difference it might make. I cannot imagine what those children are going through (and their families) but I know it would mean a lot to me if I were on the receiving end. I twittered about it (@cshffield) and posted it to facebook. I also wrote about it on my blog ( Thanks again.

Thank you for a wonderful program! They all deserve a little cheer. :)

I have posted it on my blog -

I don't have a blog or twitter, but I posted it on facebook!

I posted this onto my blog and keep bringing it up on message boards with a link to your site. Thanks for all that you do Jennifer:)

Jennifer - just blogged about it. Will get cracking on the cards and send them to you in the next few days.

You and Jana are angels for organising this again. Hugs to you both.

I forgot to add the link!!!!

Can't wait to watch Shari tomorrow too.

I'll send some out tmr Jen and I Twittered
but it won't let me paste the link for some reason

Great idea Jennifer, youu are such a lovely person. Hope to send some cards over and I've put a link on my blog.

This is so awesome of you. I mention it on my twitter page. Scrapinresp04 or Lynn spencer

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